By inhabiting multiple personalities, writers empower themselves to construct scores of psychologically dynamic characters. These creations, however, rarely depart the page. Or don fuzzy wristbands. Or color-code their bookshelves.
Marc Scharf, alter ego of author Matt Sharpe, is the exception. Today, we’re proud to feature Sharf’s reading from Sharpe’s exceptional novel, winner of an Independent Publishers Award, The Sleeping Father.
This video is an Adam Simon production.
This is Ronnie Ray. Ron Brawer does not write comments. Ronnie Ray, with his miniscule attention span, ONLY writes comments.
This video is an outrage! I did not authorize it.
Excellent reading. I think it’s well past time for Mr. Scharf to write a fiction book of his own.
Mr. Sharpe, I offer you my sincere apology. I had no idea that Mark Scharf engaged me to shoot this video without first consulting you. Please feel free to disregard the invoice I sent you.
Marc Schraf is unaccountably handsome in white. I understand he is close to Matt Sharpe, whose novel he is reading in that mellifluous baritone. I suspect that Matt Sharp is unaccountably handsome, too, because such a brilliant anatomist of suburban life must be exceptionally good-looking in white linen.